More and more people depend on care. On one hand, less and less relatives or friends have time or possibilities to take care of their family members or friends in need of care, and on the other hand, almost everybody prefers staying at home.
Most likely, the subject ´outpatient care at home´ will affect more and more people within the next years. Very often help is needed for everyday matters, like shopping, cooking, assistance with dressing and undressing.
But also time-consuming care can be organized in patients´ own home.
Obviously, a great advantage of outpatient care or nursing is the fact that patients don´t have to leave the familiar surroundings.
This is a great advantage of outpatient care.
We even provide 24-hour personal assistance in order to enable our patients to remain in the familiar surroundings of their own home. In most cases, outpatient care is the best alternative to a nursing home.
In case of questions we are happy to provide you with advice and assistance.